To provide notary services for you in the State of Texas.
Legal research fees
Legal research fees are:
$125.00 per hour for normal turn around of 2 to 3 weeks.
$150.00 per hour for expedited service delivered within 7 business days.
$175.00 per hour for express service delivered within 3 business days
Fees for all services are plus expenses that usually include but are not limited to photocopies,
faxes, certification fees, audiotapes, shipping and postage, and in some instances travel.
Some legislative intent and legal research projects can take longer than stated above because of the length of the act or issue involved.
Fee Schedule
Legislative intent research and document retrieval fees are:
$115.00 per hour for Normal delivery within 10 to 15 business days.
$125.00 per hour for Expedited delivery with 7 business days or ASAP.
$150.00 per hour Express service delivery within 3 business days.
Texas Legislative Intent
Our services include legislative intent/history research of Texas, Federal and all other states’ statutes, codes and resolutions as our primary service.
This includes an in-depth review of the legislative bill file(s), including audiotapes, cds, on-line recordings and/or transcripts of committee debates and floor proceedings in both the House of Representatives and Senate, the House Journals, the Senate Journals, all bill analyses and secondary resources. A substantiated written report/analysis is provided.
Our practice is to provide you with ALL admissible evidence and information relative to your case or issue.
Listed below are some sample cases in which we provided legislative intent for the prevailing party.